Candidate Campaign Guidelines

Campaign Materials

At Area and Division speech contests, all candidates may display campaign materials in a candidates' corner only at these events if space is available for the candidates' corner and all candidates have equal access to it. Campaign materials may not be placed on walls, chairs or tables outside of the candidates’ corner.

At the District conference, all candidates may display campaign materials only in the candidates' corner at a District conference if space is available for the candidates' corner and all candidates have equal access to it. Campaign materials may not be placed on walls, chairs or tables, or handed out at educational sessions, meal functions or the District hospitality suite.

Please refer to Protocol 9.0, for complete campaign guidelines.

Speeches and Speaking Guidelines

Campaign speeches are not permitted at any Area speech contest, Division speech contest or other District non-election meeting except the District conference. At the discretion of the Area or Division Director responsible for the speech contest, candidates present at the contest may be introduced to the audience if all candidates present are introduced.

All candidates, including those running from the floor, may be allowed to speak at the District conference at a time other than during the District’s Annual Business Meeting. These campaign speeches must be given at an appropriate time and place and must be of equal length for all candidates—speech length is determined by the District Director, provided all candidates for all elected District leadership positions are given equal opportunity and are properly notified.

All candidates are allowed to give educational presentations at District conferences, provided the presentations conform to the needs of the District, and provided that all candidates for the same office are given an equal opportunity.

Hospitality Suites

The only hospitality suite permitted at a District conference is the one provided and operated by the District, with no contribution from any candidate. The provision of a hospitality suite is, however, at the discretion of the District Director.


Advertisements by or on behalf of candidates for District office are not permitted in District publications.

Candidate Showcase

  • A Candidates’ Showcase occurs before the District's Annual Business Meeting for presentations by all District leader candidates.
  • Prior to the District conference the District Director appoints members to serve as chair and co-chair of the Candidates’ Showcase. Other members are assigned as needed.
  • Each candidate is given equal time to be interviewed by the Chair based on questions related to the achievement of the District mission.
  • The presentation schedule, with the names of all nominated and known floor candidates for District office, is prepared by the District Administration Manager.
  • The showcase begins with all candidates for the office of District Director, in alphabetical order by surname, and then proceeds to subsequent officers in order.
  • There is no census or poll taken of the delegates at a Candidates’ Showcase.

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