Sample News Releases

Give your club and/or District the publicity and recognition it deserves! Tell your local community about Toastmasters events, programs and member achievements. Use the news templates below to garner interest and awareness. Here are the instructions:

Choose (by clicking on) the news release below that best fits your needs, edit the news release to your specifications and then pitch it via email to your local news media. A few things to keep in mind:

1. All releases are formatted and downloadable as Word documents.

2. Click on a news release and save it to your computer. 

3. Localize the news release by replacing the bolded text with your club or district information. Proofread it for accuracy. 

4. Once finished replacing the bolded text with your club or district information, delete the bolded text and parenthesis and save your changes.

5. Email the news release to local news media. Paste the release into an email, below the pitch and your email signature. Do not attach the release to your email. Attachments to journalists usually get caught by spam filters.


Sample Templates and Releases

Blank News Release Template

For a club or district to promote something newsworthy.

Club Open House News Release Template

For a club to promote an open house.

Anniversary News Release Template

For a club to announce its anniversary.

Communication Achievement Award News Release Template

For a club to promote a non-Toastmasters member or organization for excellence in communication or leadership.

Corporate Recognition Award News Release Template

For a District to promote a company being recognized for enhancing employee engagement through continuing support of the Toastmasters program.

Speech Contest Winner News Release Template

For each District to promote its International Speech Contest Winner.

Video and Photo Release Form (PDF)

Use this form before promoting or publicizing a video.

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