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Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover
Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover

September 2024
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A Path to Help You Win Laughs

Engaging Humor manual

It’s a universal truth: Everybody loves to laugh. Which is why humor is such a powerful tool for speakers. Fittingly, Toastmasters’ new education program has a path with required projects dedicated solely to that subject.

Engaging Humor, the 11th path in the Pathways learning experience, helps members develop their funny bone to entertain an audience.

“Stories, anecdotes and humor—especially good humor— unite a room,” says Darren LaCroix, Toastmasters’ 2002 World Champion of Public Speaking, in one of the path’s videos.

The Engaging Humor path is available to all members on February 5th. It is only offered online. Its projects, which include titles such as “Know Your Sense of Humor” and “The Power of Humor in an Impromptu Speech,” offer strategies on writing humorous speeches, using effective timing and pacing, crafting strong openings and even how to cope when your jokes bomb. (Tips: Don’t sulk, don’t be irritated with the audience, and take time later to analyze why some bits worked and some didn’t.)

As with the other 10 paths in the program, members advance through five levels that increase in complexity. The projects include interactive activities and videos, which feature insights from experts such as LaCroix and longtime stand-up comedian Judy Carter, author of The Comedy Bible.

The humor path draws on many of the same concepts highlighted in the Humorously Speaking manual in Toastmasters’ traditional education program. The importance of understanding and developing your own style of humor is a key aspect. So is wringing comedy out of personal stories and anecdotes that will resonate with your audience. Engaging Humor features a Story Collection tool in Base Camp that enables you to gather your own trove of funny stories.

Find out more information visit the Pathways page on the Toastmasters website.

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