We’re always looking for compelling stories and images to engage our readers. If you’d like to share a relevant story idea, submit an article pitch, or pass along a great club photo, here are the best ways to do that.
- I have a good idea or know a member or club that would make an interesting profile, but I don’t want to write the story. Fill out the story idea form.
- I want to write a story or have it assigned to a writer. I’m clear on my points, why it matters to readers, and I have possible story sources. Download the article submission form and email it to
- I have a personal essay to share about my Toastmasters experience. Submit a 700-word, first-person Your Turn article to
- I have some feedback and want to write a letter to the editor. Send it to or fill out the Magazine Feedback form.
Editors are looking for a “yes” to these questions
The magazine receives hundreds of inquiries. What can help your idea break through?
- Will my topic inform readers—will they find helpful takeaways and tips?
- Would I personally find this topic valuable?
- Will my idea appeal to an international audience?
- Does my submission include tangible tips, compelling anecdotes, or examples? Have I included input/quotes/perspectives from verifiable, credible sources?
- Do I have creative elements to make my idea stand out (photos/videos/audio/sidebars)?
Important to Know
The Magazine Team considers every story and image submitted. You will be contacted if your material is, or is not, accepted. Allow 4-6 weeks for a response.
The magazine production schedule runs three months in advance, so consider that if your material is time sensitive. For example, a December article has an early September deadline. Submissions are subject to editing for length, clarity, and style.
Things to avoid sending:
- Promotion for your new book
- Obituaries
- Poetry and fiction writing
- Fully written/transcribed speeches
Photo Submissions
By submitting photos, you authorize Toastmasters International to publish any or all photos electronically in the digital and PDF versions, and/or on the Toastmasters website and social media platforms.
All photo submissions can be sent to Each email is limited to 25 megabytes (25MB). If your files are too large, please attach in separate email messages or send via Dropbox. Photos and videos picturing Toastmasters materials (banners, lecterns, badges, etc.) must reflect the current branding guidelines. No photos with explicit material will be accepted. All photos and videos are subject to review.
- Photos must be in .jpg format at a resolution of 300dpi or least one megabyte (1MB) to be considered for print. Photos with a lower resolution will still be considered for the digital magazine.
- If sending an image from your mobile device, select “actual size” for the most high-res version.
- Photos must be clear, in focus, and not blurry.
- Include your contact information, club name, location where the image was taken, and a caption for each image.
- Please indicate whether your photo needs to be attributed to a specific person or business.
- Photos for the Traveling Toastmaster section should include the cover of the magazine (print or digital) or other Toastmasters memorabilia.
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About Magazine
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Magazine FAQ
Answers to your common magazine questions.
How to submit an article query, photo, or story idea.
Meet the editorial team.