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Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover
Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover

September 2024
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Online Speech Contest Tips From a World Champ

Aaron Beverly shares his top techniques for succeeding in the International Speech Contest online.

Toastmaster Aaron Beverly speaking to audience on video camera

In 2019, Aaron Beverly took the stage to compete in Toastmasters’ World Championship of Public Speaking®—but it wasn’t his first time. After a second-place finish in 2016, Beverly came back three years later with “An Unbelievable Story” that won him the first-place honor.

Now, due to the evolving impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), many 2020 Toastmasters International Speech Contests are being held online. Do you know what to do to compete in an online speech contest? Watch the videos below and gain insight from an experienced world champion. (For any official competition questions, all contestants must defer to the chief judge of their speech contest).



To see more videos by Aaron Beverly, visit his YouTube channel.


  • Review the guidelines for video recording your District International Speech Contest for region quarterfinals.
  • To learn more about the logistics of your contest and tips for best practices, download this helpful PDF.
  • Keep up to date with organizational news by visiting the COVID-19 page on the Toastmasters International website.
  • Discover additional resources about online meetings and speech contests on the Online Meetings page.

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