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Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover
Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover

September 2024
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Club officer paying dues? Click here to access Club Central. Please note: due to the volume of renewal payments and club business, you may experience delays in accessing areas of our website.

News From TI

What’s in It for Club Officers?

Club-officer election season is coming soon. To help persuade members to fill positions, use TI’s new officer documents, which summarize each officer role and list the responsibilities and transferable skills members will gain in fulfilling a role. And don’t miss additional officer recruitment advice in the article “Cultivating Club Leaders."

Renewals Due Date Extended

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact Toastmasters around the world, the Board of Directors has extended the April renewals due date to April 30, 2020. For additional information about this extension, please visit the Toastmasters International COVID-19 webpage. To ensure your club is in good standing and receives credit for the Distinguished Club Program, remember to log in to Club Central and submit your dues payments by this new date. Per Policy 2.0, the minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members—at least three of whom were club members during the previous renewal period.

Unpaid officers lose access to Club Central 30 days after their membership expires. Email the Club and Member Support Team at if you have questions.

An Immersion in Conversion

Whether you are responding to inquiries from Find a Club or preparing for an open house, try these best practices to inform, welcome, and convert promising prospects into engaged new members:

  • Go to Club Central at least once a year and make sure your Club Contact and Meeting Information is up to date.
  • Get into the habit of checking your email at least every other day to see if anyone has tried to contact your club.
  • Respond to inquiries within 48 hours. People who go through the process to reach out to you are very interested in joining your club, so make sure you contact them. Details on parking and getting to the meeting room are helpful to add in your reply.
  • Always give contacts information about your next meeting and ask them to attend as a guest. What better way to understand how a meeting works than to attend?
  • Within 48 hours of a meeting, contact all guests, ask if they have questions, and do everything you can to sign them up as a member of your club. For help, use this guest follow up email. If they aren’t interested in joining, thank them for their time, and wish them well.

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