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Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover
Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover

September 2024
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Top 10 Articles of 2022

Discover which Toastmaster magazine articles readers enjoyed most this year.

By Shannon Dewey

Multiple Toastmaster magazine covers from 2022

It’s the end of another calendar year—do you remember what you’ve read? The Toastmaster magazine published articles on topics to help you in your club, workplace, and day-to-day life. From tips on how to rebuild your self-confidence to engaging your audience to becoming a better speechwriter. Read and reshare these top 10 articles of 2022:


1Rebuild Your Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem (June)

By building your confidence as well as your competence, you build executive presence.


28 Tips for Engaging Your Audience (January)

Break through the “invisible wall” with questions, stories, and more.


3Harness 110 Speaking Skills (April)

Dive into the details of how to effectively combine your strongest characteristics.


4Two Sides of Table Topics (January)

Both speakers and Topicsmasters benefit from this signature club exercise.


5Connecting the Dots From Goals to Purpose (January)

Don’t spend so much time setting goals that you forget your larger purpose.


610 Ways to be a Better Speechwriter (September)

How to wield your words and get to the point.


7Leading Without a Title (August)

How to motivate teams when you aren’t a direct supervisor.


8Breakaway From the Everyday (July)

Refresh your meetings—and your members—with these invigorating ideas.


9A Surprising Truth Behind High Achievers (July)

Could you be feeling impostor syndrome too?


10The Power of First Impressions (August)

In just seven seconds your audience will make assumptions about who you are.


Bonus Article:

7 Tips to Brush Up Your Small Talk (November)

How to have casual conversations during your work parties and holiday gatherings.



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