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Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover
Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in red jacket smiling on magazine cover

September 2024
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Three Things To Do When Asking for Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback are essential skills for everyone. Toastmasters know this and practice at every meeting. Remember to apply those skills at work and wherever you’re engaging in feedback discussions.

Whenever you request feedback, here are three things Cate Valentine, leadership consultant and associate faculty with the Center for Creative Leadership, recommends you do first:

Be specific. Instead of making a general request for feedback, identify one key area instead. For example, ask for feedback on how you delegate or communicate.

Select the right person. Choose someone you trust who has had first-hand opportunities to observe your behavior.

Consider the timing. Give a person enough notice to prepare, and choose a time and place where you won’t be interrupted.


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